Aarhus University Seal

Audio recordings

Audio recordings can be relevant for you in several different contexts at the university. It may be used to document an interview or to disseminate academic content to a broad audience. It can also be used in the context of an exam, as an assignment in the form of a audio recording.

Alternately, you can use audio recordings to produce podcasts on academic topics, allowing you to experiment with different formats, including planning the course, communicating academic or technical subjects, performing interviews, using intro and outro, etc.

Good advice on audio recordings

Plan Ahead

  • Make a plan for each recording, what you want to say/the order of events.

  • It is a good idea to write a manuscript and practise before you start recording.


  • If possible, always use headphones with a microphone. This will avoid unwanted ambient noise interfering with your recording.

  • If you are recording multiple people, you should always use an external microphone. If this option is not possible, use the microphone in your smartphone instead of your computer’s built in microphone, since it will provide you with a better recording.

  • Think about having some soft things, such as pillows or jackets, near the microphone to absorb the sound. This could improve the quality of your recording.


  • If possible, always record inside. This will block out unwanted background noise.

  • Have the room’s acoustics in mind. Avoid large empty rooms as your home studio, since this will leave you with unwanted reverb on your recording.