Aarhus University Seal

Danish Learning Environment

The Danish learning environment may differ significantly from what you are used to

As an international student, you might find that things are done differently than what you would expect from a university.

It might be new for you that the Danish educational system often has a very informal relationship between student and teacher. The environment in class and the amount of group work may also differ from what you expect or are used to.

This page will help you figure out the wide range of activities related to studying in Denmark, getting to know the academic field and to create the appropriate framework for your studies.

Academic and social behavior

Active participation

"Active participation in classrooms is expected and often encouraged - it is even, in some cases, the core of the teaching itself,” says Sarah Croix, an international PhD student at Arts.

The objective of active participation is to get you to reflect upon the topics and the material presented during the course. When teachers ask questions in class it is often not to test you, but rather to start a discussion in the classroom and to get an idea of how well students understand the topic.

To engage in active participation it is essential to be well prepared before a lecture or class and to participate in group work and feedback activities.


Informal relationship

From time to time you might be surprised by the informal relationship between students and teachers in Denmark. For instance, it is not uncommon that a student expresses clear disagreement with the teacher's ideas or methods in the classroom.


Do & Don't

To help you navigate in the academic and social behavior in the classroom we have gathered a list of what to do and what not to do.



  • Call you teachers by their first name.

  • Present your perspectives on curriculum in class.

  • Feel free to question the teacher's or the textbook's point of view.

  • Ask the teacher questions about an assignment.

  • Talk to the teacher if you have questions regarding course material, exams eg.

  • Call your teachers by their title and surname.

  • Expect to be left alone during the class.

  • Just repeat what the teacher says.

  • Suppose everybody else has better ideas than you do.

  • Panic if you don’t understand the reading.

Studying at Aarhus University

When everything is new it is easy to get a little bit confused. However, there are things you can do to find your footing and benefit as much as possible from your time here at Aarhus University. You might:

  • Take the online course Study@AU for international students - In the course you get all the information you need to get started at the university. You can find the course on Brightspace under 'My courses'.
  • Form a study group with fellow students – Many courses at the university include group work as a compulsory and important part of the structure of the course.
  • Use the library - Aarhus University provide several study facilities at the Royal and University Library. Sometimes it is possible to get your own place to study. You can find an overview of the available study areas at the student portal
  • Get help – it is often difficult to see the big picture right away, therefore you always have the possibility to find help and guidance at  AU

Read more about life in Denmark and Aarhus, and get information about housing, student life, services and activities etc. 

What did other international students experience?

Watch this video where four international students express what surprised them the most when they first came to Aarhus University.

Literature about academic skills