Aarhus University Seal

Academic regulations 

When you are enrolled on a degree programme at the university, you belong under a specific set of academic regulations. 

Your academic regulations are your "body of law". They can tell you which rules apply to you while you are a student. It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with the academic regulations that apply to you. 

Usually, the academic regulations include descriptions of: 

  • the subject areas and objectives of the study programme. 

  • the competences students will acquire during their studies. 

  • the structure of the degree programme 

  • the specific subjects and courses. 

  • examination terms. 

How to find your academic regulations: 

Aarhus University

Suggestions for content

Are you missing a search term, or is there something you would like to add?

The information about formalities is written in collaboration with AU Library and is general guidelines for formal requirements. They do not replace the provisions in your academic regulations, your lecturers' guidance or information on your course's website. If in doubt ask your supervisor.