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On this page, you can read about what an appendix is. 

An appendix, or an annex, is a collection of material that you want to make available to the reader, but which does not belong inside the assignment, for example due to its volume. Therefore, appendices are not usually included in the character count for the assignment. 
Consequently, appendices should not contain information that is crucial to your assignment or your argumentation. 

Note that appendices may be subject to copyright, see AU Library's copyright page. 

An appendix could be a large volume of texts, illustrations or sheet music, interview transcripts, website printouts, forms and tables.  

One appendix: 

  • can be placed at the end of the assignment. 

  • can have a heading or be marked with a number/letter. 

  • can include explanatory text.

Several appendices: 

  • can be compiled in an appendix section with page numbers. 

  • can be indexed in a list of appendices (a table of contents for the appendices). 

The list of appendices is placed either just before the appendices, or in the table of contents for the assignment. 

References to appendices: 

  • Only include material as an appendix if you refer to it in the assignment. 

  • When referring to an appendix, state its number/letter and page number, e.g.: See appendix 3, p. 47).


The information about formalities is general guidelines. They do not replace the provisions in your academic regulations, your lecturers ' guidance or information on your course's website. First, please contact the above-mentioned locations. If in doubt, ask your supervisor.