Aarhus University Seal

Table of contents

There are specific guidelines for what a table of contents should normally contain.

The table of contents shows the actual and final version of your assignment outline. It gives your reader an initial overview of the scope, structure and individual elements of your assignment.

Because the table of contents is the reader's first impression of the assignment, consider using headings that clearly describe what a chapter or section contains.

The table of contents

  • is placed at the beginning of the assignment.
  • lists all the chapters and sections, the bibliography and any appendices in the assignment.
  • reflects the different types of headings in the assignment, both in terms of wording and formatting.
  • includes names of sections etc. on the left and page numbers on the right.
  • does not include page numbers itself.
  • is compulsory in university assignments.

Tips for table of contents

Drawing up the table of contents

The activity template (p. 56) in Den gode opgave (in Danish) by Lotte Rienecker and Peter Stray Jørgensen, 2012 can serve as inspiration for how to draw up a table of contents using words that guide the reader.

Suggestions for content

Are you missing a search term, or is there something you would like to add?

The information about formalities is written in collaboration with AU Library and is general guidelines for formal requirements. They do not replace the provisions in your academic regulations, your lecturers' guidance or information on your course's website. If in doubt ask your supervisor.