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Use sub-conclusions to strengthen coherence in your assignment. 

In large assignments, it can be a good idea to regularly conclude on your observations and studies. Especially if your analysis comprises multiple steps or parts. You can do this by writing sub-conclusions to sum up longer sections and make your assignment more coherent. Sub-conclusions help to give your reader an overview of your method, your arguments and the contribution of the section in relation to the overall purpose of the assignment. 

Read more about assignment structure. 

In a sub-conclusion, you can: 

  • underline the purpose of the previous section. 

  • present the results you have achieved. 

  • point to areas in which you still need answers (and explain that you will address these in the following section(s)). 

  • find material for the final conclusion of the assignment. 

Note that: A sub-conclusion should be brief and to the point. 

Read about the conclusion of an assignment and metalanguage

Suggestions for content

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