Your assignment must have a title. The title should be on the front page of your assignment. It should be relatively short, but still describe the assignment topic as precisely as possible. You may add a subtitle to give a clearer indication of the focus of the assignment.
Depending on the type of assignment, it is often allowed to be creative. The title should attract the reader’s’ attention and make them want to read on. Spend some time to look for eloquent, funny, provocative or catchy statements, headings or wordings in your assignment, and consider whether there is inspiration for a good title in your text.
public class Graphic_Design implements Code { // Yes, but how? }: An investigation towards bespoke Creative Coding programming courses in graphic design education. By Stig Møller Hansen, PhD dissertation 2019, Department of Digital Design and Information Studies, Aarhus University
Overhearing: An Attuning Approach to Noise in Danish Hospitals. By Marie Koldkjær Højlund, PhD dissertation 2017, School of Communication and Culture, Aarhus University
Social media marketing: Multimodality and its connection to transparency for the bike helmet company Hövding. By Joachim Navntoft Christensen, Bachelor's project 2019, Communication, Roskilde University
Optimized raw material utilization: current and future possibilities for the use of Computed Tomography (CT) in the meat industry. By Anders Grønlund, Master's thesis dissertation 2008, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen