Aarhus University Seal


The conclusion winds up your academic assignment.  

In the conclusion, you tell your reader what you have found in your study/analysis, and why your findings are important. 

The conclusion should sum up your assignment. Therefore, it should not introduce new material. Another important aspect of the conclusion is to answer your research questions or hypothesis clearly and fully. 

A conclusion typically includes: 

Exactly what is included in the conclusion depends on the type of assignment.  

Suggestions for content

Are you missing a search term, or is there something you would like to add?

The information about formalities is written in collaboration with AU Library and is general guidelines for formal requirements. They do not replace the provisions in your academic regulations, your lecturers' guidance or information on your course's website. If in doubt ask your supervisor.

Write your conclusion

Do you find it difficult to get started on your conclusion? Try non-stop writing

Ask for feedback

Ask your fellow students to give you feedback on your conclusion. It is also a good idea to show them your introduction, so they can tell you whether your conclusion answers all the questions you asked in the introduction.